08:45-09:30   Welcome and Opening Speeches
Aldo Drago, Project Leader of STREAM
Stephen Sammut, Director of the Institute of Engineering & Transport at MCAST
Tatjana Chircop, Deputy Principal Research and Innovation, MCAST
Tonio Portuguese, Chairman of the Malta Council for Science & Technology
Project Presentation 
Moderator: Eugenio Busuttil, Deputy Director of the Institute of Engineering & Transport at MCAST
STREAM Project Concept and Targets
Aldo Drago, Project Leader, Institute of Engineering & Transport, MCAST
STREAM Data Platform
Roberto Drago, Project partner, MST AudioVisual Ltd
Delivering Satellite Data Services to the Users
Bjorn Azzopardi and Nick De Gabriele, Project partner, THINK Ltd
Sharing experiences from the ForCoast project for STREAM
Ghada El Serafy and Lorinc Meszaros, Deltares, Netherlands
Viewing and Analysis of satellite data for product development
David Debono, Institute of Information and Communication Technology at MCAST
Exploiting the FME Tool in STREAM
Maciej Markowski, Coastal Cities Living Lab, University of Gdansk  
11:00 – 11:30 – Coffee break  
Networking and Capitalisation session 
Presentations from other SRF Projects   
Drones vs satellite images …. Why not both
Steve Zerafa, Institute of Engineering and Transport, MCAST
WaterColours: climatology and operational high-resolution Chlorophyll-a and Total Suspended Matter products from satellite data
Adam Gauci, Dept. of Geosciences, University of Malta
BathMalta: new methodologies to map the seafloor of the Maltese archipelago
Adam Gauci, Dept. of Geosciences, University of Malta
Continuous Assessment of Pollutants & Environment via Satellites (CAPES): AI LULCon
Daren Scerri, Juan Jose’ Bonello, Frank Inguanez, A Institute of Information & Communication Technology, MCAST
Geophysics and remote sensing techniques to detect and monitor movement of sediments within the Maltese pocket beaches 
Sebastiano D’Amico, Dept. of Geosciences, University of Malta
Presentations by Foreign Projects   
Satellite-related research at the University of Cadiz
Jesus Gomez-Enri, Applied Physics Department, University of Cadiz
The data sharing platform as a tool for the Baltic Sea monitoring – SatBałtyk System
Alexandra Dudkowska, University of Gdansk
Panel Discussion: Joining efforts for satellite research – Capitalising on existing expertise in Malta and beyond 
Invited panelists:
Michael Quinton, Space Engagements and Programmes, Malta Council for Science & Technology
Stephen Sammut, Director of the Institute of Engineering & Transport, MCAST
Paula Grech Bonnici, Director of the Institute of Applied Sciences, MCAST
Adam Gauci, Dept. of Geosciences, University of Malta
Jesus Gomez-Enri, Applied Physics Department, University of Cadiz
Steve Zerafa, Institute of Engineering and Transport, MCAST
Maciej Markowski, Institute of Geography – Dept. of Limnology, Coastal Cities Living Lab, University of Gdansk
Closure and short visit to the Institute of Engineering and Transport